What Is Data Science?

What is Data Science

Obviously, you have heard about this term, but have no clue to what it is; otherwise, you would not be here reading an article explaining data science. Before beginning, here is a surprise element for you, much of your daily life decisions nowadays is influenced a great deal by data science which includes your next Netflix watch, your next Amazon buy, what gossip articles Siri should fetch for you, price comparisons, gaming and yes image recognition.

Now let's directly cut to the chase – what is data science? It is an interdisciplinary field where algorithms are used to extract insights or information from a collection of data. Those who deal with these vast amounts of data, and are tasked with analyzing them and interpreting them are called data scientists. They apply a number of methods to these datasets to extract information.

As is revealed by the marketing trends of 2016, mobile advertising is the new sure shot way to bring in the money and ‘data savviness' is quickly becoming a thing. Experts agree that data scientist is the best and the most in-demand job in America and data science is not going anywhere in the near future.

The Future Of Data Science

Data science is relatively a new term, having been coined in 2001 but it has been progressing ever since. Various fields like finance, energy, government, and travel have contributed to its growth over the years, but it is at its peak now that universities and colleges have recognized its gravity in the ‘tech-savvy' and ‘data-savvy' world. Universities have begun offering students degree courses in this field, even master's program.

Although, the job prospects in this field vast, the main problem is under qualified or under skilled professionals. Wanted analytics has recently published their study stating that only 4% of the 332,000 computer programmers in the US have the skills that are required to be a data scientist. McKinsey & Company's study also echoes similar results. They predicted that there would be 140,000 to 190,000 vacancies in the field of data science, as compared to 4 billion data science jobs on the market.

If you are planning to do Data Science course in Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, or Pune, then contact DataMites. You can learn do data science course with machine learning, python programming, statistics, deep learning, tableau etc. DataMites is offering along with course you can also do Certification in Data Science. All the best.

Datamites - Certified Data Scientist Program in Bangalore

SQL for Data Science Tutorials 

Python for Data Science Tutorials


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