What Is Data Science?

Obviously, you have heard about this term, but have no clue to what it is; otherwise, you would not be here reading an article explaining data science. Before beginning, here is a surprise element for you, much of your daily life decisions nowadays is influenced a great deal by data science which includes your next Netflix watch, your next Amazon buy, what gossip articles Siri should fetch for you, price comparisons, gaming and yes image recognition. Now let's directly cut to the chase – what is data science? It is an interdisciplinary field where algorithms are used to extract insights or information from a collection of data. Those who deal with these vast amounts of data, and are tasked with analyzing them and interpreting them are called data scientists. They apply a number of methods to these datasets to extract information. As is revealed by the marketing trends of 2016, mobile advertising is the new sure shot way to bring in the money and ‘data savviness' is...