Impact Of Big Data On The Internet Of Things

It has been quite a long time that there has taken place a good amount of revolution in the world of connectivity. In the 1990s, the internet had the power of connecting only 1 billion people with the help of dial-up connection. In 2000s, connectivity could be established through mobile phones. More than 2 billion users today make it possible to connect, to find images, seek for information and watch videos.

Coming to the times now, it is only because of the internet of things that has made connectivity so easy. It can now connect 10 times more than what it could do years before.

Datamites is providing IoT (internet of things) training in Bangalore. If you wants to be certified as IOT expert contact Datamites.

What is internet of things?
The internet of things is the brand new emerging wave of development in the sphere of internet. It is simply the network manually established to connect physical objects to the internet so that they can be accessed with the help of internet. Now you must be wondering what kind of objects are these. Well, these are our daily life objects like dishwashers, cars, remotes, etc. These daily dose items contain technology embedded in it so that they can have a communication with the outer environment or can be regulated manually without you moving from your place.

Let me make the concept clear to you with an example. As soon as you enter a room, you find your favorite TV show automatically playing.

Big data connected to internet of things
As per the study of Gartner, by 2020, the revenue that has resulted from services enabled by IoT, the products will exceed $300 billion. However, this is only just one part of the show. The remaining parts still are under cover. A time is approaching when there will huge amounts of data that will be controlled by IoT. The impact of the IoT will be such high that the Big Data world will tend to force the companies to adopt and upgrade their running system, tools and technology. This amalgamation of IoT with big data will accommodate massive data volumes which will in turn be produced by the big data.

Process of data storage
The primary thing that strikes one’s mind when talking of big data and IoT is the increase in the amount of data that will hit the companies of data storage. To manage such huge work load, various data centers need to be established.

Considering the heavy amount of impact that IoT will have on data storage is that organizations will start catering to platform-as-a-service model. This is based on cloud and does not maintain its own service. Apart from in-house data systems, PaaS helps people to carry out the work flexibly, compliantly and the data is beautifully arranged in a sophisticated, well structured manner.

The models of cloud storage are variegated. They include public, private and hybrid models. If a company has data that requires high level of security, implying a private cloud storage could be the best option. For other companies that are devoid of high level of security forces, pubic or hybrid cloud system could be used for storing IoT data.

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