Data Scientists – Who Are They And What Do They Do?

In a startup, you may find a data scientists donning several roles as a data engineer or an architect, researcher, statistician, modeler, data miner, executive, developer, etc. So what exactly do data scientists do ? Are not they coders who know their R, SQL, Pythons, statistics, and Hadoop well? Yes, and a lot more. Data scientists are coders, but they have expertise in various fields ranging from bioinformatics, simulations and quality control, computational finance, industrial engineering, information technology, epidemiology to number theory. I have dedicated the last 10 years of my life to developing automated systems for processing large data sets and transactions, for example, generate content automatically. The system is a combination of AI (Artificial intelligence), IoT (internet of things) and data science which is called deep data science, which is almost math-free, code-free except (API's) but at the same time data intensive. I have also worked on credit card ...